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The paradox of choices; from freedom to frustration

avatar author By Pascal Swier | April 11, 2023 | Reading time: 9 min

Is more always better or do we get caught in a paradox of choices and can too much be a problem? In this blog we address the phenomenon of choice stress, where having too many choices can be a problem rather than a benefit. This idea is based on psychologist Sheena Iyengar's groundbreaking 2000 study titled "When Choice is Demotivating: Can One Desire Too Much of a Good Thing?" Iyengar examined the effects of excessive choice on consumer behavior and decision-making. Her findings have important implications for how we think about choices and how they affect our daily lives. Read on to learn more about the paradox of choices and how you can eliminate choice stress in your customers.


An overload of choices in the aisles of a supermarket

The growing trend of excessive choices

In recent decades, there has been an increasing trend of too many choices for consumers. We have more choices than ever before and this applies to almost every aspect of our lives. From what we eat and drink to how we fill our free time to where we spend our vacations. It seems like we have more choices to make every day, and that can be tremendously stressful.

But how did this trend emerge? Technology and data have allowed us to know more and more about different products and services, which has led more companies to offer more and more options. In addition, globalization has increased the availability of products and services from different parts of the world, which in turn has led to more choices.

This trend can initially be seen as positive, because it gives people more power to choose what they want. But, it turns out that too many choices can paralyze us. We have limited cognitive resources and when we have too many choices, it can lead to indecision, anxiety and ultimately avoidance. This is what psychologist Sheena Iyengar calls the "paradox of choices."

It is important to understand that this trend of too many choices does not come without consequences. We must be aware of the impact on our lives and health while asking ourselves whether more choices is always better.

Why too many choices can paralyze consumers

One of the reasons why too many choices can paralyze us is because it can be cognitively overwhelming. This means that it requires a lot of mental energy to consider and evaluate all the options. This can reduce our ability to make decisions and negatively affect our sense of control and well-being.

In addition, having too many choices can also lead to indecision and uncertainty. It is normal to wonder if we are making the right choice, especially when there are many options to choose from. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress and ultimately to procrastination.

Another problem is that we often think there is always a better option available. This can keep us from being satisfied with our decision and keep us in a cycle of endless comparison and evaluation.

Finally, too many choices can affect our ability to enjoy the things we choose. If we have too many options, we may feel that we are missing out on something if we choose a particular option. This can reduce our sense of satisfaction and increase our sense of regret.

In short, too many choices can affect our ability to decide, reduce our sense of control and well-being, and affect our ability to enjoy the things we choose.

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The paradox of choices

The paradox of choices is a term coined by psychologist Sheena Iyengar, who has researched how the amount of choices we have affects our ability to decide and our sense of well-being.

Iyengar and her colleagues conducted several studies to examine how the amount of choices people have can affect their decision-making process. In one of these studies, they had subjects choose between different types of jam in a supermarket. In one situation there were only six types of jam to choose from, while in the other there were 24 types of jam available. It turned out that although more people were interested in the large selection of jams, more people actually ended up making a purchase when there were only six kinds to choose from.

Another study by Iyengar and her colleagues focused on retirement plans. In one situation, only one retirement plan was offered to employees, while in the other, multiple retirement plans were available. It found that people were less likely to participate in a retirement plan when there were multiple options and that people were generally less satisfied with their final choice.

These studies show that although we think more choices give us more control and more options, this is not always the case. In fact, having too many choices can lead to indecision, procrastination and decreased satisfaction with our final choice.

The paradox of choices is an important concept to keep in mind. Especially at a time when we are constantly exposed to an abundance of options. By being aware of the impact of too much choice, we can develop strategies to improve our decision-making processes and maintain our sense of well-being.

Jam experiment

Result experiment on choice (Iyengar & Lepper, 2000)

The consequences of choice stress

Choice stress is a consequence of having too many choices and can lead to negative effects on our well-being and decision-making. Here are some examples of the effects of choice stress:

  1. Indecision: People may become overwhelmed by the large number of options and may have difficulty making a decision. This can lead to procrastination or refraining from a purchase.
  2. Uncertainty: When there are many choices, people may feel uncertain about their final choice and wonder if they have chosen the best option.
  3. Feelings of regret: If people then feel they have made the wrong choice, they may experience feelings of regret and disappointment.
  4. Reduced satisfaction: People may then be less satisfied with their final choice because they worry whether a better option was available.
  5. Reduced productivity: When people spend too long thinking about their choices, it can lead to a reduction in productivity and performance by depleting cognitive ability.
  6. Fatigue: The process of thinking about different choices can be mentally exhausting and can lead to indecision and a decreased sense of well-being.

In short, choice stress can have a serious negative impact on our sense of well-being and ability to make decisions. It is important to be aware of these effects, find ways to reduce our choice overload and help consumers make informed decisions.

How to deal with the paradox of choices

As a business owner, the paradox of choices can be a challenge in creating a positive experience for customers. Either way, it helps to define a strong brand value so you know which choices do and don't suit you. Here are some examples of how you can deal with this challenge:

Offer a dominant option: Coolblue offers customers a dominant option by limiting the number of options and placing a "Coolblue's best choice" label on a number of products. This helps customers choose the best option quickly and easily without being overwhelmed by the many choices.

Offer comparison tools: Coolblue also allows customers to compare products, making it easier for them to see different options side by side and make the best decision. This can help reduce choice stress, as customers are more confident in their choice if they know they have compared it to other options.

Return options: Another way companies, including Coolblue, can deal with the paradox of choices is by allowing customers to return products if they are not satisfied. This gives customers the assurance that they will get their money back if they are ultimately not satisfied with their purchase. Coolblue makes it visible that returns are free, which encourages customers to consider multiple options and buy without worrying about any costs of returning a product.

Coolblue site

Coolblue 's dominant options, comparison tool and return options

Facilitate smart navigation: IKEA does this quite well by allowing customers to choose whether they want to navigate by individual product categories or by "rooms," for example. This helps customers easily find what they need and reduces the likelihood of choice stress.

IKEA site

IKEA's smart navigation

Using an interactive quiz: Aveda uses an interactive quiz to guide buyers in making choices. This allows customers to identify their needs and preferences and then offers product recommendations based on their answers.

AVEDA site

AVEDA's hair and scalp analysis quiz

In short, as a business owner, you can reduce the paradox of choices by limiting the number of options, offering comparison tools, facilitating smart navigation and using interactive tools to guide customers in making choices. By implementing these strategies, businesses can help customers make the best decisions while improving the overall experience.

Do you want to break paradox? No stress!

Would you like help or advice on how to prevent or remedy a paradox of choices? Then we would love to help you! So if you need help with this you can always contact us.


Iyengar, S. S., & Lepper, M. R. (2000). When choice is demotivating: Can one desire too much of a good thing? Journal of personality and social psychology, 79(6), 995.

About the author

Pascal Swier

Pascal Swier

Pascal is a strategic force within Fitbrand and also creative author of many blogs. With a Masters in Marketing Management from the University of Groningen and a background in Communication & Multimedia Design from the Hanze Hogeschool Groningen, he combines in-depth knowledge of marketing with a creative flair for video, photography and design. This unique combination enables him to take brands to the next level. Pascal therefore believes in the proposition: "Marketing can be compared to asking someone out on a date. Branding is then the reason someone says yes."

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