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Print as an alternative to email marketing

avatar author By Peter van der Steege | March 18, 2019 | Reading time: 2 min


Email marketing is a standard for almost every business. Nothing wrong with that in itself, but the point is: everyone is doing it nowadays. and distinguishing yourself with it has become damned difficult. Funnily enough, the alternative to e-mail marketing is print.

Back to print

There is a cyclical movement in terms of periodic disclosures from companies to customers. Sounds complicated, but it's not. How companies stay in touch with their customer base shifts from print to Web from time to time. When E-mail marketing is saturated in your segment, the printing presses are cranked up again and graphic designers are put to work. Flyers, leaflets and brochures hit the mat again. Cool and creative things are also done with print, such as sticker marketing.

The great advantage of print versus Web is the touch with your product. An E-mail can be easily clicked away, is tempting to leave for a while, and is often skipped altogether. But those who receive a finely designed leaflet on the mat or in their hand often take the time to leaf through it. Even though a flyer often disappears into the trash as well, the customer has been in contact with your brand for a while.

Money versus ingenuity

Even an E-mail with solid content and strong design is often not read. This is because fighting for attention in the digital arena is and bitter battle. Marketers pour tons of money into Google Advertising just to make sure the website stays in the top spot. As a business, this costs you a lot because the marketers, in turn, must also get paid.

Choose an unusual format, eye-catching design or special paper quality. Let your customers feel your brand as it were.

With a folder, flyer, brochure, booklet or leaflet (you name it), as an entrepreneur, you have much more freedom to put your creativity to the test.

Choose an unusual format, eye-catching design or special paper quality. Let your customers feel your brand as it were. However, this does not mean the end of the digital marketing era, far from it. Use a paper E-mail as an attention grabber. Do refer to your social media and website soon. Make your customers curious with your flyer as an alternative to E-mail marketing, but make them take action on your digital channels.

About the author

Peter van der Steege

Peter van der Steege

Peter is the creative force and strategic mind behind Fitbrand and Winning with Your Brand. With over three decades of experience in brand strategy, design and marketing, he has developed the unique ability to take brands to the next level visually and strategically. As a speaker, I enjoy sharing my current insights into branding and market strategy. My mission is to make your brand not only stand out, but truly resonate with your audience.

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