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Blogs by Peter


Hoe AI je social media strategie kan revolutioneren

Als ondernemer weet je dat social media een cruciale rol spelen in het succes van je bedrijf. Of het nu gaat om het aantrekken van nieuwe klanten, het opbouwen van een merk of het versterken van klantrelaties, social media is niet meer weg te denken. Maar met de opkomst van AI (kunstmatige intelligentie) kun je nog meer uit je [..]
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The surf iceberg explained

If you read Fitbrand's blogs more often, you've undoubtedly seen it pass by: the [...]
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The connection between internal and external branding

How branding works, everyone understands. But to what extent? Because, when people talk about branding, it goes [...]
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The impact of brand strategy on sales

Brand strategy: we can't get enough of it. We keep harping on the importance of a good brand strategy. [..]
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The role of mission and vision in brand strategy

The company's mission and vision: everyone is familiar with it, but how important is it really? [..]
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7 Top Logo Design Tips

7 Top Logo Design Tips You're looking for the best logo design tips, right? Look no further. Below [...]
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Q&A on brand identity and brand strategy

Peter van der Steege owns the Groningen-based communications and strategy agency Fitbrand. Traditionally [...]
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